

What is Integrative Functional Medicine?

Root-cause oriented approaches to health care are becoming increasingly popular. Natural and holistic healing solutions have become the primary request in patients – rather than take another medication to mask symptoms, they want to eliminate their symptoms where they begin. Patients want control of their health and a clear explanation as to WHY the specific treatment was recommended.

The terms “integrative” and “functional” medicine have become common terminology – but there IS a difference between the two – and when combined to create “integrative functional medicine” – you are receiving a blend between two modern methods of treatment. Call us today to learn more about our integrative functional medicine services!

Integrative medicine truly does as the name states – it creates a multidisciplinary treatment path. This type of treatment considers that a patient’s life outside of their prominent symptoms can impact the way they feel. Their emotions, social calendar, work/family stress, and routines all play a significant role in feeling better. Integrative medicine truly aims to balance the mind, body, and spirit to reach optimal health – all while still considering traditional treatments.

To achieve this multipoint treatment, Integrative medicine requires that practitioners of different designations work together to investigate the health of each system in the body. Dietitians, nutrition coaches, registered nurses, and medical doctors… They all work together for one common purpose: to find the root cause of your symptoms and achieve optimal health across the body.

Traditional treatment: “Take this thyroid medication and this alone will ‘help’ manage your symptoms – but you’re going to have to live like this forever”

Integrative treatment: “There may be a time when medication is necessary to stabilize your thyroid, but you can talk to our dietary team to learn how to naturally decrease the intensity of your symptoms through nutrition. Let’s continue to take your medication, but let’s also see how nutrition can change your symptoms!”

Functional medicine aims to optimize each system in the body – to understand the root cause of your conditions and symptoms. This type of treatment really considers that everyone is different. With functional medicine treatment paths, you will receive a personalized approach that has researched your current state of health with comprehensive lab testing. There is no guessing in functional medicine, all treatment depends on your unique needs. Functional medicine aims to find the root cause of your symptoms with comprehensive lab testing – instead of leaving you with “your lab work looks great, continue your medication!”

Functional medicine, unlike integrative medicine, strays further away from traditional medicine. Natural healing is used as the forefront of treatment – often including lifestyle changes, exercise, and close monitoring of your data and symptoms over time.


Integrative functional medicine is a combination of the two! This has become a very popular treatment path. With integrative functional medicine, you can see the necessary practitioners under one roof, and feel at ease knowing those practitioners are working together to build a personalized treatment plan for you. Integrative functional medicine utilizes comprehensive lab work to find the root-cause of your symptoms and finds a solution that is specific to you.

If you are frustrated with how you feel and want a new approach in getting answers to why you feel the way you do, schedule a call with our office.