Hormones are the main transporter for your energy reserves. Hormones play a very specific role in the body – they carry mounds of information, signals, and instructions for your body to operate efficiently. What happens to your energy levels when these hormones are not functioning properly?

  • Constant fatigue
  • Lack of motivation
  • Depression/anxiety
  • Mood Swings
  • Anger Spurts
  • Not feeling like yourself

If it seems like every supplement you try exhausts efforts and money, odds are the issue lies deeper than a temporary fix like supplements.

The Miley Clinic has heard from patients far too often this year that they are tired, depressed, and have no motivation to change their situation.

So, we want to share some of the common hormone imbalances that you might be experiencing – but your doctor never investigated this far.

1) Thyroid Hormones

Your thyroid hormones are the balance system for other functions in the body – they regular your temperature, metabolism, mood, and especially energy.

It’s not uncommon to see patients with undiagnosed thyroid disorders complain that their quality of life is quickly decreasing. They lose energy for their friends, family, and eventually themselves.

There are some thyroid hormone foundations that Dr. Miley always investigates:

  • T3, T4, TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone), TPO (Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody), and Thyroglobulin antibodies.

These hormones collectively paint a picture of your overall thyroid health – and why you might be experiencing some of the symptoms you see daily.

2) Testosterone

Sorry gents, testosterone is for ladies too. Many think that the most common sign of low testosterone is a loss in your sex drive… Testosterone is critical in maintaining the efficiency of your bodily processes. When levels are too low, you’ll start to notice

  • Chronic, unexplainable fatigue
  • Combined with poor sleep quality
  • Lack of motivation and desire
  • Brain fog and mental fatigue

Low testosterone can absolutely impact your physical energy levels and performance, but the mental decrease can quickly outweigh the physical loss.

Hormone levels change significantly throughout a lifetime – drastically, or sometimes over a few years. It’s important to keep up to date with your lab work as you age, especially if you are not feeling like yourself.

3) Insulin

It’s easy to laugh at the idea of a sugar crash after eating something sweet – but what if this is how you feel every day?

Maybe you ate cereal at 9AM before work, but by 10:30AM you’re struggling to keep your eyes open.

Or, you woke up feeling dizzy… You slept the entire day and couldn’t fall asleep that night.

When your blood sugar spikes and dips become too abrasive, you’ll start to notice

  • You never feel satisfied after a meal
  • You nap more often, but can’t sleep at night
  • Your head hurts – and you can’t think straight
  • Your mood changes – and you can’t keep up with it

Remember: it’s common to experience energy dips here and there after a large meal, but it shouldn’t inhibit you from living life.

Your body has a recipe that it follows every day to produce energy – when it lacks the ingredients it needs (nutrients and hormones), you’ll fall flat.