Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) is a painful condition that occurs when tendons in your elbow are overloaded, usually by repetitive motions of the wrist and arm.

Athletes aren’t the only people who develop this pain in the lateral elbow. People whose activities feature the types of motions that can lead to tennis elbow include, painters, golfers, carpenters and of course, tennis players.

The pain occurs primarily where the tendons of your forearm muscles attach to the bony bump on the outside of your elbow. When it is bad the pain can spread into the forearm and wrist.

The first line, and conservative treatment is rest and anti-inflammatory medicines. If those treatments don’t give sufficient relief the next best therapy is Shockwave Therapy. The results with this painless non-invasive therapy are excellent and are preferable to painful injections and surgery.

Now there is a better, more direct and painless way to treat this painful unrelenting condition. We use the latest methodology proven to help with not only the pain but in some cases complete resolution of the condition. Come try our Shock Wave Therapy. We are getting amazing results for our patients. We are so confident in this therapy that the first treatment is free. Call us and schedule your appointment today.