Chronic Shoulder pain

Chronic shoulder pain can be from an old injury that did not require surgery, or had surgery but the pain has come back or never got completely better, shoulder sprain/strain, arthritis or just overuse.

Any acute shoulder pain should be evaluated by an Orthopedic Surgeon and imaging done as needed to determine the pathology.


Rest, a sling, ice, and anti-inflammatories should be your first line of treatment with a flare up of chronic shoulder pain. However, if you do not get the relief sufficient to continue normal activity, we encourage you to try Shock Wave Therapy. This non-invasive, painless procedure has helped hundreds of people with chronic unrelenting shoulder pain. We use the latest methodology proven to help with not only the pain but in some cases complete resolution of the condition. Come try our Shock Wave Therapy. We are getting amazing results for our patients. We are so confident in this therapy that the first treatment is free. Call us and schedule your appointment today.