Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy in Sarasota, Fl

Welcome To
The Miley Clinic
The Miley Clinic is known for its successful approach to healing from within. We curated a unique approach to diagnosing and treating symptoms that appear to have no cause. As premier integrative medical hormone experts, we pride ourselves in finding the root cause to your symptoms. Call us today to learn more about our bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) in Sarasota, Fl.
Hormone Health & Wellness Services
Navigating hormone therapy alone can be daunting. The Miley Clinic offers a variety of hormone replacement therapy services to improve your quality of life.

Extracorporeal Shock Wave THerapy (ESWT)
Extracorporeal shock wave therapy provides low-intensity shock waves applied to a treatment area. These acoustic pulses physically stimulate the body’s cells biologic response and healing mechanisms.

Female Hormone Replacement Therapy
Women face several significant hormone-altering events across a lifetime. Puberty, monthly menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, perimenopause, menopause, and post menopause all contribute to hormonal changes that can impact a woman’s health, well-being, and quality of life.

Male Testosterone Replacement Therapy
As men age, testosterone hormone levels tend to decline. With some men, symptoms of low testosterone are not noticeable but with others, low testosterone hormone levels can severely impact their quality of life.

Thyroid Replacement Therapy
Thyroid hormones are critical to regulating several processes within the body – metabolism, mood, digestion, energy, and more.

Nutritional Supplements
When it comes to naturally balancing hormones, relieving symptoms, and promoting weight loss, targeted nutrition supplements are a driving force in delivering the essential nutrients your body needs.
The Foundation – The 5 Building Blocks
With the five building blocks of care, we help our patients reverse the damage that hormone imbalances and improper nutrition can cause. The Miley Clinic believes that you can regain control of your health – and redefine what “health” means to you. It’s time to get back to feeling like you again – without restrictions and guilt.

Health News
Top 3 Hormones That Impact Digestion
My Digestion is Horrible, Even with Good Eating Habits... What gives? If you’re struggling with a sensitive digestive system, this might sound familiar to you - Going out to eat with friends and watching them enjoy their dessert, while you hide your bloated stomach...
Critical Hormones to Investigate if you are Fatigued
Hormones are the main transporter for your energy reserves. Hormones play a very specific role in the body – they carry mounds of information, signals, and instructions for your body to operate efficiently. What happens to your energy levels when these hormones are...
Top 10 Nutrients for Optimized Thyroid Health
The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped gland in your neck. Though it is small – the thyroid gland is responsible for several functions within the body including energy, mood, metabolism, and more. When your thyroid is not functioning properly, it can cause a list of...